Providing you with all the deets...
How much do VIP Mobile Bar Trailers cost to rent?
For one-day rentals, costs can be found in the Reserve Today section of our site. For long-term rentals and special requests, we have a a Special Request Form for you to fill out and we'll get back to you right away with a quote!
Where is VIP Mobile Events located and how far will you travel?
We are located in southern Wisconsin, but will travel to any location in the great 48... (but we'll need you to cover mileage).
Does VIP Mobile Events provide bartending services with the rental of VIP Mobile Bar Trailers?
Bartenders do not come standard with the rental of a VIP Mobile Bar Trailer, but can be requested at an additional cost.
Is a Deposit Required?
Yes, a non-refundable deposit is required when reserving a VIP Mobile Bar Trailer, with the non-refundable balance due 7 days prior to the event.
How much space do VIP Mobile Bar Trailers take up?
The Friends and Family has a footprint of 24' x 28'. The Block Party has a foot print of 25' x 31'
Does VIP Mobile Events provide alcohol?
No. Per Wisconsin State Laws, we cannot provide alcohol.